Tag Archives: ATA

Rep Weekend 2014 Recap

This past weekend was one for the books. We left Cuse’ around 4 to head to Killington, rollin’ 12 deep, and had 7 others on the way from various other areas. Stopped in rutland to grab some booze and a quick 10 pounds of bacon and headed up the hill to the condo. Friday night we […]

East Coast’s Winter Starts Early

11/3/13-The beast of the east opens up for season pass holders. 11/4/13-The beast opens to the public, and unfortunately I’m stuck sitting in class, drawing window details. My autoCAD had a fatal error and quit on me without letting me save my drawing, which is why I am currently writing this blog. For many of […]

Late Summer Update

Hey guys and gals! This hot summer is finally starting to wind down, with the NYS fair starting tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did here. It was a busy one, with events, shows, a big move here at the headquarters, and all the other activities going on. If you have yet […]

Eastwoods Skate Plaza Grand Opening

Eastwoods Skate Plaza had its grand opening ceremony this past GO SKATE day June 21st. Eastwood a Suburban area in Syracuse New York has been pushing and gathering funds for this skate park , over the past 10 years. At the opening we saw a multitude of skaters new, experienced, young and old gather to […]